You already know that we at Brain Foods strive to create the tastiest and healthiest vegan products. But that's not all: we must be part of many campaigns and initiatives to protect the environment. ♻️
🐻 Bears need enough reserves and fat for winter sleep, and the lack of food in autumn is risky for both small and large animals. This forces them to cross human territories and enter conflict situations with residents.
Driven by reason, with pride and full hearts, we announce that joined in a fantastic initiative. We stand side by side with the 🐻 and 🌲 teams to help them provide additional food in areas with an increased risk of attacks. Our goal is to reduce conflicts with the local population and thus protect both people and bears.
Thanks to Yablena Natura Company - the largest producer of organic apples 🍏 in Bulgaria, to which gardens they gave us free access to collect as many apples as possible 🍎, we managed to collect 3 tons and provide the additional amount of food for the bears before their winter sleep 💤.
✅These fruits were distributed and delivered to the areas of greatest need.
🍃We are glad that we are increasingly finding like-minded people with whom we can create harmony and balance our relationship with nature.